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Remarks by German State Parliamentary Secretary at Yanze Watershed Protection Investment Visit

Remarks by Dr Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary State Secretary to the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development at Yanze River Watershed Protection Investment

Thank you very much for all this very, very warm welcome to this marvellous project here in your district. Mr Mayor, honourable representatives of the district, honourable guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear children.

I am very proud and I am very happy to be here with you this afternoon and look at this beautiful environment, which you, with your work, have protected from being destroyed. Because we came to you as your partners, we helped you with this project but the owner of all this that has been created is you. It's your project, it’s your work, it’s your home country - and it’s your life.

And what I have heard, this is not only a project to protect the environment, to protect the soil, the ground where the food is grown. But you also took this project to create a new future for many of you, and this is really great. This is really marvellous. You took your life in both of your hands and you just went for it and you created your future. All together, this is a very wonderful feeling for me in this moment.

Thank you very much for doing this and the representatives of the district and the Mayor. They have taught us to be careful with our natural resources. They told us that climate change is here and we have great challenges to face, but I am confident they can be addressed.

My delegation wrote papers about this project and I read them before arriving. And then I came here and I was really surprised and really impressed about this wonderful project. We are going to discuss with you leaders and with your colleagues about creating another project in the future. I would say so, there are discussions, and I really hope very very much that these discussions might be fruitful and there are going to be similar opportunities - even other people in this region. So thank you very much again thank you very much all the best. I have really been deeply impressed coming here.

Thank you very much for doing all this and Germany will stand at your side into the future. Thank you very much, all the best for you, and God bless you.

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