
Intego - Rwanda's NDC Facility
What is Intego?
Intego is the Kinyarwanda word for ambition.
Funded by the German Government, and spearheaded by the Rwanda Green Fund, Intego is a game changing initiative designed specifically for Rwanda’s public sector.
Intego serves as a powerful tool to achieve Rwanda’s ambitious goals outlined in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) plan. By investing in climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, Intego is driving Rwanda towards a future of resilience and reduced carbon emissions.
Public institutions across Rwanda, at both national and local levels, can leverage Intego to secure funding for impactful projects across various climate NDC priority areas.
Priority Areas
Intego finances the implementation of public sector led initiatives that align to at least one of the mitigation or adaptation measures as per the Rwanda’s NDC climate action plan.
Landscape Restoration and Forestry
The Resilient Nyamagabe: Climate-Smart Initiative was submitted by Nyamagabe District, which is the third most erosion-prone district in the Southern Province. This investment will boost community climate resilience through erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, cleaner cooking solutions, as well as enhanced livelihood opportunities. The value of this investment is Rwf4,384,241,324
Akanyaru Sub-Catchment Rehabilitation will restore forests and landscapes across the Akanyaru sub-catchment in Nyaruguru District. It will rehabilitate the catchment through effective erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection, cleaner cooking solutions, and enhanced livelihood opportunities. The value of this investment is Rwf 4,662,740,631.
Empowering Nyamasheke's Vulnerable Communities will enhance the adaptive capacity of communities vulnerable to climate risks in Nyamasheke District. It will rehabilitate the Karundura sub-catchment through increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection, erosion control, cleaner cooking solutions, and enhanced livelihood opportunities. The value of this investment is Rwf 3,932,371,733.
Nyabahanga Sub-Catchment Rehabilitation will enhance livelihoods by protecting the catchment against erosion, increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection, promoting fish farming in Lake Kivu, and enhanced livelihood opportunities in Karongi District. The value of this investment is Rwf 4,340,481,886.
BASE Catchment: Rehabilitating Landscapes and Building Resilience will restore landscapes and increase the climate resilience of communities in the BASE Catchment in Rulindo District through erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbanks protection, and cleaner cooking solutions. The value of this investment is Rwf 4,442,898,053.
Muvumba Resilience: Community-Led Adaptation Initiative will build community resilience and adaptation through participatory and ecosystem-based catchment restoration. This investment will also contribute to the protection of the Muvumba Multi-Purpose dam. This proposal was submitted by the Rwanda Water Resources Board and Nyagatare District. The value of this investment is Rwf 4,558,540,098.
Climate Resilient Infrastructure
Climate Resilient Schools will enhance climate resilience in schools in the Western province by building retaining walls, providing access to clean water, and increasing Increased tree and agroforestry cover. This proposal was submitted by the Ministry of Education and the value of this investment is Rwf 4,925,034,934.
Wetland Rehabilitation & Biodiversity Conservation
The Nyabugogo Wetland Restoration Initiative was submitted by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) will enhance the wetland's carbon capture and storage capacity, thereby contributing to climate resilience and adaptation efforts. The value of this investment is Rwf 5,000,000,000.
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Greening TVET Schools will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve water accessibility in public technical schools across the Eastern Province by equipping them with solar-assisted multi-fuel cooking stoves and installing rainwater harvesting systems. This proposal was submitted by Rwanda Polytechnic and the Rwanda TVET Board and the value of this investment is Rwf 3,281,724,235.
Greening RNP: Accelerating Low-Carbon Transformation will transform the Rwanda National Police into a green and low carbon energy consumption. This investment will replace biomass energy with solar and LPG in cooking, resulting in a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions annually, and will enable the RNP to restore degraded land in and around the police stations. The value of this investment is Rwf 4,095,817,786.