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Component Two

Sustainable Forestry & sustainable energy

Vision 2050 targets a share of renewable energy in power generation mix (%) from 53.78 in 2020 to at least 60 in 2050.

Use of solar irrigation with potential to promote wider adoption presents an opportunity for SCRNRP to contribute to this in promoting applicable technologies in supporting agricultural productivity.

On forestry, Vision 2050 targets increase to 7,483 (2035) and 7,725 (2050) from Forests 7,242 km2 in 2020. The growth and diversification of forests through sustainable forestry management is a step in the right direction in supporting the achievement of forestry targets in Vision 2050.

Current progress and key achievements


Ha of rehabilitated forest


High quality seedlings raised in time for the start of planting season


Domestic biogas units constructed as pilot


Modern beehives distributed to cooperatives


Tons of Co2 emissions reduced from Mulindi Tea Factory as a result of project interventions


GHG Emissions reduced (cumulative) as result of project interventions


Improved cook stoves distributed to vulnerable families and training on their use conducted


Community members trained in tree nursery management


Ha of seed stands established and managed


Variable Speed Drives installed at Mulindi tea factory


Large stoves for institutions installed


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