Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Green Village Promotion in Nyamasheke District
Soil erosion resulting from deforestation with subsequent biodiversity loss are the major environmental challenges affecting communities in Nyabitekeri Sector of Nyamasheke District. This situation is exacerbated by climate related pressures such as unpredictable rainfall that has in turn led to loss of lives and property. This project thus intends to build community’s resilience through provision of environmentally friendly practices that minimize soil erosion while improving livelihoods.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Output 1: Land management and soil erosion control strengthened
Output2:Alternative renewable energy sources introduced and rainwater harvesting systems installed
Output 3: Sustainable livelihood and Food security Enhanced
Output 4: Project grant efficiently managed and coordinated
Rwanda Environment Management Authority, Action for the Protection of the Environment and Promotion of the Agricultural Sector (APEFA), Green Cover Initiative and Green Growth Advocate
1. Project Manager: Project Coordinator is among key project staff who will be hired prior project implementation.
Other key staff include:
2. Professional in Charge of Forests;
He will follow up activities related to forest and Agro forest management.
3. Professional in Charge of Environment and Water;
He will act as a Permanent Secretary of Project Executive Committee and follow up activities related to the natural resources activities.
4. District Agronomist
5. Director of finance