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climate smart agriculture

Climate-Smart Agriculture

Rwanda is urbanising rapidly with 35% of the population due to live in cities by 2024. Current growth rates are expected to accelerate rapidly as the country transitions to a modern urban and service led economy. This is creating new pressures on existing urban infrastructure as well as demand for new services.

Simultaneously, there is a strong drive from government under the 2020 Vision to prioritise the development of sustainable cities, with growth decoupled from environmental impact. A clear roadmap for urban development in Kigali and the six main secondary cities has also been developed and is actively guiding urban infrastructure development and planning.

The Fund is supporting the development of a 620ha pilot green city in Kigali to develop a blueprint that can be replicated across the country, as well as identifying a range of bankable urban projects in water services, mobility, energy, ICT, waste, and commercial infrastructure (where applicable, linked to other sector proposals identified in this document). This is now at the advanced stages of planning with a full feasibility study expected to be delivered in the 2nd half of 2019.